Translation & Certifying
Translation & Certifying
Your Goals Are Our Vision
Misunderstandings and misinterpretations happen all the time, even at home, between family members, even though language and culture do not differ. Interpersonal communication is complicated. That’s what we’re here for. We listen to you carefully and read your texts in depth. We understand before we start translating. That is our philosophy. Only if we understand what you want and expect from us, we can achieve your goals and thus also ours:
- Satisfied customers and increased sales
- Overcoming language barriers
- Building cultural bridges
Our Services
All Languages:
Do you know the Nsibidi or Tifinagh languages?
No? We know them all!
All Kinds of Text:
Do you want to translate a short email, an entire book or a user manual?
We are at your disposal!
We provide accurate translations of official documents of all kinds, from birth certificates to employment contracts, with or without certification.
On Site – Interpretation:
Do you need an interpreter on site, in court, at a public authority, for a conference or for private purposes?
No problem!
Online – Interpretation:
Do you have a call to make with a foreign business partner or a Zoom call with your international team?
Our interpreters are your communication bridge.
Do you want to go out into the wide world, become bigger, position yourself more broadly, and establish your brand in new markets?
We’re here to help.
All Languages
Do you know the Nsibidi or Tifinagh languages?
No, we know them all
All Kinds of Text
Do you want to translate a short email, an entire book or an instruction manual?
We are there for you!
We carry out the precise translation of official documents of all kinds, from
birth certificates to employment contracts, with or without certification, for you.
On Site – Interpretation
Do you need an interpreter on site, at court, in an authority, for a conference or even for private purposes?
No problem!
Online – Interpretation
Do you have a call to make with a foreign
business partner or a Zoom call with your international team?
Our interpreters are your communication bridge.
Do you want to go out into the wide world, become bigger, position yourself more broadly, and establish your brand in new markets?
We’re here to help.
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Retail &
Retail & E-Commerce
Legal documents
Legal documents
Travel & Hospitality
Travel & Hospitality
Finance & Banking
Finance & Banking
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
Digital Marketing & Advertising
Digital Marketing & Advertising
More Industrie
More Industries
Life Sciences
Life Sciences
Retail & E-Commerce
Retail & E-Commerce
Legal Documents
Legal Documents
Travel & Hospitality
Travel & Hospitality
Finance & Banking
Finance & Banking
Media & Entertainment
Media & Entertainment
Digital Marketing & Advertising
Digital Marketing Advertising
More Industrie
More Industries
Why me-Xpress
- Accurate translations with passion
- Precise interpreting with cultural expertise
- Intercultural competence
- Reliability means 100% on-time delivery (OTD) for us
- Transparency & Honesty
- Long-term relationships are more important to us than quick money
- Highest standards of data protection and security